Use Cases Food processing Detection of Walnut Rancidity
- Shell
- Fruiting Body

Detection of Walnut Rancidity
The food industry continually faces challenges when it comes to achieving and maintaining the highest quality standards. An example is the production of walnuts, where not only the removal of the nuts from their shells, but also the control of rancidity is a key issue.
Challenge: Real-time Identification of Shell, Nut and Rancid Walnut
In addition to separating nuts from their shells, a key quality parameter of walnuts is their degree of rancidity, which is caused by natural walnut oils that degrade over time. Reliable and fast detection of rancid nuts is essential to ensure high quality products.
Solution: Quality Control with EVK Hyperspectral Imaging and Smart Sorting Decisions
EVK offers an integrated solution for the detection of both the classification of good nuts and foreign objects, such as the shell, and analysis of rancidity in walnuts using Quantitative Chemical Imaging directly in the production line. By correlating accurate laboratory measurements of rancid walnuts with data from hyperspectral imaging, it is possible to integrate quality control directly into the production line.
EVK HELIOS systems are able to extract necessary chemical information from the product and derive key data regarding rancidity. With the EVK hyperspectral systems, shells and nuts can be classified into different quality classes and precise sorting decisions can be passed on to the ejection unit in real time.
The selective ejection of defects and impurities enables the production of high-quality food products while minimizing waste. Production processes are continuously monitored to ensure consistent product quality. This results in lower costs and improved profitability.
Hyperspectral Imaging offers the degree of classification accuracy required for applications in the food industry by directly measuring chemical molecular composition through the absorption of light (spectroscopy).
EVK’s portfolio of sensor-based technology includes hyperspectral cameras and inductive sensor systems that can be used individually or combined with a color camera with sensor fusion to create a high-performance sorting application.
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