Use Cases Food processing Determination of Fruit Ripeness
- Concentration measurement
- Defects

Determination of Fruit Ripeness
The high priority placed on food safety makes food sorting a very demanding application. Ensuring high grading quality and precision is essential to ensure that defective products or foreign objects such as glass fragments or metal threads do not reach the consumer. The reputation and economic success of food manufacturers depend critically on the effectiveness of the food inspection and sorting systems they use. Complete monitoring of food quality, from sensor-based sorting of raw materials to inline inspection during production and final inspection before packaging, is becoming increasingly important in today’s high-standard food industry.
Challenge: Inline Inference Method for Determining Fruit Ripeness
Especially in food processing, the vital question about fruit ripeness of fruits and vegetables arises. Accurate knowledge of fruit ripeness is of great importance to ensure optimal production and processing procedures. Fruit ripeness influences not only the taste and quality of the final product, but also its shelf life and storability. In this context, it is obvious that the ability to determine fruit ripeness in real time plays an essential part in ensuring food safety and quality. A key challenge is an inline inference method for determining fruit ripeness that covers the whole product stream.
Solution: Hyperspectral Imaging for Real-Time Fruit Ripeness Determination
Hyperspectral imaging enables real-time quantitative determination of fruit ripeness at all times. This method can replace traditional spot checks and laboratory-based analysis, which are often discontinuous and slow. By capturing real-time quantitative data of fruit ingredients such as water, sugars, and other soluble solids concentrations (SSCs), Hyperspectral Imaging can be combined with existing process analytical technology (PAT). The result: optimized sorting, reduced costs and high product quality.
In use
Hyperspectral Imaging offers the degree of classification accuracy required for applications in the food industry by directly measuring chemical molecular composition through the absorption of light (spectroscopy).
EVK’s portfolio of sensor-based technology includes hyperspectral cameras and inductive sensor systems that can be used individually or combined with a color camera with sensor fusion to create a high-performance sorting application.
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